Legal Disclosure
Hennich & Hanschel GbR
Owner: Hannes Brogmus; Jan Henning Walker
Saarstrasse 1854290 Trier
Tel.: (00)49 179 1840680
Technical implementation: Agentur Kliewer | Trier
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Hennich & Hanschel GbR shares links to other sites on the Internet in various posts and assumes no responsibility for the linked sites. We would like to point out that when the website was first linked to another website, the responsible editorial team checked its content to see whether it could give rise to possible civil or criminal liability. Content that is subsequently integrated there cannot be checked. As soon as we discover or are informed by others that a particular offer to which a link has been provided gives rise to civil or criminal liability, we will immediately remove the reference to this offer. Therefore, please notify us immediately if you have accessed pages via our links whose content seems questionable to you. This declaration applies to all links included on our pages.